Friday, May 18, 2012

Blog # 8. Is Google Making Us Stupid

Well I started reading this story, thinking the worst right off the bat but it turned out to be a great story. I took my yellow highlighter and was like okay what am I going to highlight, shoot next thing I knew I was highlighting everything that made me think or laugh.
One thing that really caught my attention was when he is talking about other writers and how that they have so much access to so much information that they find themselves, not being able to stay focused on long pieces of writing. Scott Karp, who writes blog's even confesses that he has stopped reading books altogether.  I was truly blown away by the professor of Medical School admitting that it's hard to read more than one to three paragraphs without having to start skimming through the papers.
So then I started thinking about myself and was like wow, I am just as bad as these people. I just noticed when I was reading a book the other day, I read the summary of the story, then skimmed through the middle and looked at the end to even see if I would enjoy what I was reading.
Maryanne Wolf " If we lose those quiet spaces, or fill them up with content, we will sacrifice something important not only in our selves but in our culture." Wow, everything she said right there is how I feel in a nut shell.
I have to tell a story, I was at a friends house the other day, and we were helping her 9.5 yr old boy with his homework and he needed help with definitions, so we got out the lab top and looked up the words for him and read what the definition was for him, instead of having him get out the dictionary and look it up for himself.
I think of the move "Walle" by Disney, and how  people basically become vegetables because we let our technology take over .  Granted I feel computers are very helpful in many ways, but I do feel that today as humans we are getting lazier and lazier about things that should be a training/tool to help us not for us to become dependent on. So my thought is yes technology is amazing, but are we as humans becoming lazy? I say yes, but that is my thought only.
 This article, I really did enjoy it and I actually feel like I gained some great knowledge that I can share with others. and Kubrick say's it best with these words, "As we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence." Again wow, what a great way to finish off this great story.

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