Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog # 3

Well, I just finished reading up "Shitty First Drafts" and I will have to say I found her super comical.  My favorite statement from her is when she is talking about how all good writers have a shitty first draft, and then she goes on a rant about one person who thinks she is basically perfect but the best part is when Anne Lamott says this, (Although when I mentioned this to my priest friend Tom, he said you can safely assume you’ve created God in our own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.) Man is that a true statement from the priest. Anne Lamott then talks about her fears and how she gets nervous every time she has to write any type of review, but that it is normal, and that it’s just a rough draft that you can always go back and fix your errors.  For me I could totally relate to her because I get so nervous every time I have to do an assignment like this. I start off with a clean slate of paper then you may see me scribble it out, then you may even see a line going through the sentence and words written below or even up above. The great thing about this process, I also know when I start to scribble and begin cussing at my paper or computer that I  need  to walk way; go get something to drink,  go outside throw the ball with the dog’s, then come back reread what I wrote and start the process over but with my eyes nice and refreshed. The cool thing about this story or statement is I am not a pro at writing and Lamott shows how even the pros have a hard time with their own words and that it is better to overwrite than underwrite because you can always cut out what is not wanted or needed, but you may just get a terrific line out of something you jotted down. So for me I took that a great shitty first draft should have a ton of information, and then you can start the process of elimination to a great paper.

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