As reading about Malcolm X and all his triumphs of illiteracy,
it is amazing how anyone can say that they cannot learn to read. Here was a man who sat in prison and decided
to make a difference in his life and it all started from a dictionary and practicing
of writing. I found myself very intrigued by his success of knowledge and striving
to want to learn, for so many of us it comes very easy and we just take it all
for granted. I know for myself I have a learning disability but I also know
with great teachers and friends that I have succeeded in ways that I never
thought were possible, just as Malcolm had Bimbi to emulate from. So as I also
listen from what he says that even know he was in prison for many years, he was
able to pursue his dream of being educated and being able to teach others
without any distractions. He realizes that colleges and high school all have
many distractions but he expresses compassion and says that if he can do it that
anyone can, with just a little hard work and effort you can become anything you
Yes, it's a very inspiring message! Nice response, Richelle!